By Alan W. Dowd My wife and I were reorganizing our bookshelves—another wild weekend at the Dowd house—when I came across a little book titled Love Everlasting. Someone had given it to us on our wedding day and it had been sitting on the shelf for the better part of a decade. As I […]
Integrity for a Lifetime
By Conover Swofford Integrity means living our lives according to a certain code of values. The Christian’s values come from God’s revealed will recorded in Scripture. Living according to God’s code of values guides us in the choices we make. For instance, when we live by the Ten Commandments, we choose to honor our […]
Graduation: A Time of Change and Challenge
By Linda Gilden I checked the camera one more time. I looked through the viewfinder to make sure I still had a straight line of site. As I reached into the pocket of my skirt to make sure I had a tissue, “Pomp and Circumstance” began to play and the people in the audience […]
Decisions, Decisions
By Tammy Darling “How will I serve God with my life?” “What career should I pursue?” “Where should I go to college?” These aren’t easy questions for teens to answer. Good decision-making skills are essential. Christian parents must prepare their children to make wise and godly choices. Every child is created in God’s image, […]
Beautiful Feet
By Vernon Eldridge I can think of several words to describe the appendages at the ends of my legs. None of them is pleasant. The Bible, however, describes feet with a surprising adjective. Isaiah 52:7 and Romans 10:15 describe feet as “beautiful.” This brings a question to mind: What is it that makes feet […]