By Peggy Park A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Proverbs 15:1). Jesus displayed anger at times, but always as an expression of his righteous indignation. The anger we display is seldom righteous. Much of our anger is the result of a self-centered mind-set. We become angry […]
Reining in Anger
By Kayleen Reusser He stood in line at the cash register ready to pay. The store clerk in another line called, “I’m sorry, sir. That register is closed. Please come through this line.” The man’s face turned red, he uttered loud profanities, slammed his avocados on the counter, and stormed out of the store. […]
Hold It Out
By Steve Wyatt Several years ago, talk show host Merv Griffin interviewed a group of bodybuilders. Merv, a soft and mushy kind of guy, found himself surrounded by six-pack stomachs, granite-like glutes, and biceps as big as tree trunks. Impressed by their muscularity, Merv asked what at first seemed humorous, but eventually became a […]
Listening with Open Ears
By Nicole R. Pramik While Christians are called to be different from the world, we have to be familiar with the culture we live in if we want to make an impact for Christ. We should strive to be as aware of our culture as we are of Scripture so we can communicate Christ’s truth […]
First-Century Culture Shapers
By Greg Swinney As a chubby little Sunday schooler, I used to sit in the musty basement classroom of the church on Main Street. I sang with my friends, “O be careful little feet where you go . . . little ears what you hear . . . little eyes what you see . […]