But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17). My husband and I stood in line to confirm our flight schedule at the airport. A native of that country cut ahead of us without a word. Perhaps […]
Week 41 Mission | A Tale of Two Cultures
In his letter to the Galatian church, Paul told his readers that God sent his Son into the world at the “fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4, English Standard Version). This fullness of time to which Paul referred was the proper time for God to send the Messiah into the world and to set the church […]
Week 41 Character | Why Won’t You Bless Me?
Christians correctly believe that God will hear our prayers, answer our prayers, and bless our lives as we follow him. We cannot separate the Word from our prayer life because we learn about these beliefs in the Bible. From the Israelites’ walk through the sea, to Peter’s walk right out of shackles and a jail […]
Week 40 Mission | God’s Dwelling . . . Our Home!
Years ago, John Lennon wrote a song, Imagine, that contained the line, “Imagine there’s no Heaven.” The song became a bestseller in the United Kingdom. In 2001, MercyMe recorded “I Can Only Imagine,” a song about what it might be like to stand before Jesus in Heaven. With 2.5 million copies sold, it is the […]
Week 40 Character | Searching for Self-Control
What poses the biggest challenge to self-control in your life? Is it coming home tired after a long day at work to the sound of your teenagers bickering with each other? Or maybe needing to hold your tongue when a family member or coworker says things to push your buttons? Maybe it’s choosing to walk […]