
The Lesson and Life for April 10, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Luke 7:36-50 By Rachel Friel Imagine you are living in biblical times. You hear stories of a man who demonstrates great power, heals the sick, raises the dead to life, calms the oceans, fulfills prophecies, and promises everlasting life. Now imagine every day you wake up with a past no one can look past and you see […]


The Lesson and Life for April 3, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Luke 7:1-10 By Rachel Friel Reflect upon the time when your heart was first introduced to the wonder of baby Jesus’s birth, the astonishment of Jesus raising the dead, the power of his healing words causing the blind to see, the pain felt when hearing of his crucifixion, the hope when he […]


The Lesson and Life for March 27, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Mark 16:1-8 By Jonathan Underwood Many people long for a second chance—an opportunity to put their flawed past behind them. That’s what the gospel of grace is all about: putting our past behind us and achieving a new future. From the morning of the resurrection, we can see that God was putting […]

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The Lesson and Life for March 20, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Mark 10:17-31 By Jonathan Underwood Among the gems of wisdom the Holy Spirit has given us from the pen of the apostle Paul is this: “Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought” (Romans 12:3). In today’s text, Peter shows us why that’s good advice. Watch Out for Superlatives When […]


The Lesson and Life for March 13, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Mark 10:17-31 By Jonathan Underwood In preparing for the future, two things are especially important: insurance and investments. A certain young man came to Jesus for advice on the subject, but Jesus’ recommendations were too radical for him. Looking for Insurance “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” the man wanted […]