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Amos—The Uniform Lesson for July 30, 2017

By Dr. Mark Scott In the field of education, accreditation is an organized means of ensuring academic quality. One question might be: who determines that academic quality? Who has the authority to say whether or not some aspect of education is good? What happens if those with the credentials, the clout, the majority, and the […]

Cherubim and Chariot vision of the Prophet Ezekiel. This window was created more than 150 years ago, no property release is required.

Ezekiel—The Uniform Lesson for July 23, 2017

By Dr. Mark Scott The librarian says, “You are what you read.” The designer says, “You are what you wear.” The athlete says, “You are what you train.” Hollywood says, “You are what you watch.” But the dietician says, “You are what you eat.” Ezekiel’s call to prophetic service embraced eating something. The call of […]