By Tom Warner
“Are you kidding me? Where’s the justice in this world?”
“What is this world coming to?”
“Wow, not guilty? I’m shocked!”
“The judicial system is a disgrace!”
Such were the reactions to the long awaited verdict after hours of cross-examinations and legal proceedings related to the Casey Anthony trial last year. Anthony was declared “not guilty” in the apparent murder of her daughter Caylee.
Justice Doesn’t Always Prevail
Was the jury wrong and did the court system fail? However strongly you and I may feel, we don’t know. I have always heard and believed that our justice system is the greatest the world has ever known, but even this great system fails. In 2008, the US Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal by death row prisoner Troy Davis. The refusal was a painful blow to Troy, an innocent man who spent nearly 20 years facing the threat of execution for a crime he did not commit.
And it’s not just within the judicial system that injustice is committed. What about the work place where men and women are treated unfairly or discriminated against? What about in sports where bad calls are not simply mistakes? What about the church where ministers are unjustly accused, wrongfully blamed, or even fired without just cause?
What Are We to Do?
Perhaps your confidence that God will one day make everything right puts your mind and heart fully at rest. But perhaps that’s not you. More likely you, like me, often find yourself outraged and angry at the injustice and corruption we see in government, politics, business, sports, education, and yes, in the church.
So what I am to do? Neither you nor I can fix all the injustices in the world. We will trust God to do that. But I must do what I can do. And what I can do is treat you fairly and justly, trusting that you will do the same for me.
Tom Warner serves as Senior Vice President and Relationship Manger with Church Development Fund. He and his wife Brenda live in Carmel, Indiana and have two married children (a son and a daughter) and three granddaughters.
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