By Dan Lentz
1. When you were young, did you ever want to be president of the United States? Does the office of president look as appealing now as it did then? In your opinion, what are the most important qualities of a leader?
2. These verses describe a conversation between God and Moses about leading God’s people out of bondage from Egypt. What obstacles did Moses need to overcome to make his leadership effective according to these verses?
3. Have you ever been given an assignment or project that seemed too big to accomplish at first? How did it work out?
4. What ministry leadership roles do you have? (Don’t limit yourself in your thinking. If you are a follower of Christ, then you also are a leader.) How can we help each other become better leaders?
5. Give your group an opportunity to lead through service.
As a group, discuss a service opportunity that you want to become involved in.
Plan how you can meet that need as a group. You may need to lead by asking others to help and coordinate resources from outside your group.
In everything, cover your plans with prayer and know the Lord is with you.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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