By Michael C. Mack
1. What’s your all-time, favorite love song? If you’re willing, sing a few lines!
Read 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; 7:1-4.
2. How would you describe Paul’s attitude and heart in these passages—wishful, needy, pathetic, defensive, compassionate? Why?
3. If 2 Corinthians 6:4-10 were a résumé, would you hire this person? Why or why not? What questions would you ask, based on this résumé?
4. Knowing that the Corinthians had caused him many problems and heartaches, what compelled Paul to love them and ask them to open their hearts to him? (See 6:11; 7:2.)
5. Be honest: In your group, have you truly opened wide your hearts and made room for one another, or have you merely made room in your schedules for a regular meeting? How can you grow in authentic community?
6. Option: Subgroup by gender to discuss. God’s promises of accepting us into a relationship with him (2 Corinthians 6:16-18) should compel us to live holy lives for him (7:1). What is necessary to purify yourself from everything that contaminates your body and spirit? How can you get to the root of the issue and not just the symptoms?
Michael Mack is the author of 16 small group books and discussion guides. He also leads church training events and consults with churches through his ministry, Small Group Leadership (
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