By Dan Lentz
1. Words are powerful. In this age of impersonal mass media and social media, words are given and received often. Have everyone share a short phrase or word that’s thrown around these days that can be powerful—either in a positive or negative way. Why is it powerful in your opinion? (Example: “political correctness”—it is powerful because elected officials and people in power have to abide by it to remain popular.)
Read James 3:1-12.
2. Which word picture that describes the tongue stands out the most to you and why?
3. When it comes to communication with others, do you feel like your words can steer a large ship or set a large forest on fire? Why or why not?
4. Do you think if we are good at controlling our tongues that we will also be good with self-control in other areas of our lives?
5. What communication patterns do you need to change with the Lord’s help? How can we make our mouths springs of fresh water that praise God?
6. Close your group time by praying prayers of encouragement over one another. Go around the circle and pray for the person on your right. Pray the Lord’s highest blessing on this person. Pray as specifically as you can.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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