By Kelly Carr
I’m one of those people who likes brainstorming. I know others who find it tedious, but brainstorming energizes me. When it comes to creating new things, I function well in a group setting.
On my own I have a few ideas, but when I talk those over even with just one or two others, my synapses start firing and better ideas result. When someone else has a big vision for a project and shares it with those of us on the team, that discussion triggers other details in my mind, and I can help sharpen their vision.
That last bit—helping others shape their ideas—is what I enjoy the most, and maybe that’s why I’m an editor. I enjoy evaluating things to help people strengthen their work. I like to think of it as being an editor not just of words at work but an editor of life, helping friends, family, or anyone be their best in all aspects.
Teamwork is all about working together to help each other give our utmost and make the end result shine. Leaders set a vision and need team members for skills, support, and ideas. Team members use their talents to take on tasks and equip the leader as well. All parts of the team are valuable and essential.
Teamwork is especially needed in the church. Leaders and followers and everyone in between all make up the body of Christ, and God has created each of us to serve him with our gifts and abilities. We are all called to action in service of the Lord, no matter our temperament, experiences, or aptitude.
The whole can’t function without all of the parts. So I say: Let’s go team!
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