By Michael C. Mack
1. What is the most joyful wedding and reception you’ve attended? What made it so good?
Read John 2:1-12.
2. Imagine you were one of the servants who witnessed this entire event. What would you discuss with your fellow servants later?
3. How did the water in the pots remind people of the old covenant law?
4. How would wine point them toward grace, new life, joy, and the Spirit (see Ephesians 5:18)?
5. In what ways were the following “signs” (v. 11) of who Jesus is and what he came to do?
• the water jars used for ceremonial washing
• water (religious laws) turned into wine (grace through Jesus, see Isaiah 25:6)
• choice wine, the best wine
• the wedding feast itself
6. The first disciples of Jesus were already following him, but after this miraculous sign, they now “believed in him.” How have you grown in your own faith as you continue to follow Jesus and see him work?
Michael Mack writes, leads church training events, and consults with churches through his ministry, Small Group Leadership (
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