The term scope and sequence may be unfamiliar to many of our readers. It’s a term used in curriculum development to describe the depth and breadth of the content being taught and the order in which the content is presented.
In our context scope and sequence refers to the Scripture passages we provide each week for Bible study, the order in which the passages are studied, and the process that allows students to study through the entire Bible in a systematic way.
For many years The Lookout has built its weekly Bible study material on a scope and sequence created by the Committee on the Uniform Series, operating under the governance and stewardship of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. The committee has been selecting, organizing, and developing its Uniform International Sunday School Lessons since 1872.
While this material has served The Lookout and its readers well for generations, we believe the time has come for a change. Now that The Lookout and Christian Standard have come under the umbrella of Christian Standard Media, a not-for-profit ministry among independent Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, we have elected to create our own scope and sequence as we direct our readers into a careful and thorough study of the Bible.
Beginning Sunday, August 19, The Lookout’s weekly Bible study will be based on our own unique scope and sequence, reflecting our commitment to the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God as we guide students through a six-year plan that will allow them to study the whole of Scripture systematically.
This will be a smooth transition for those who have been following The Lookout’s weekly Bible study plan. Mark Scott will continue to provide his excellent and in-depth commentary on Scripture for class, small group, and individual study. David Faust will continue to provide his insightful application of the weekly Scripture text. Jim Eichenberger will continue to help students grow in their understanding of Scripture by providing questions for study and discussion.
In addition, we’ll continue to publish our daily devotions based on The Lookout’s Annual Bible Reading Plan and provide articles to challenge and encourage you as you pursue Christ’s mission and emulate Christ’s character.
Our hope is that more and more churches will put copies of The Lookout into the hands of all their adult members to encourage them in their personal growth, group study, and disciple making.
We’re delighted to offer this new study plan to our readers and we pray that God will use it to help all of us “correctly handle the word of Truth” (2 Timothy 2:15) so that we might “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).
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