Reading for Today:
Matthew 1:1-17
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 1
Genesis 1–2
Acts 1:1-11
Jesus told his disciples to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). He started with where they were, Jerusalem, and went out from there. In essence Jesus said, “Reach those closest to you first. Then spread the net wider.” Sometimes we think the only way to witness for Jesus is to go on a mission trip overseas. That’s not the case. We can witness right where we are. Today, where is your Jerusalem and Judea? You don’t have to cross an ocean to make a difference for the Lord.
Reading for Today:
Matthew 1:18-25
Acts 1:12-26
Psalm 2
Genesis 3–4
Genesis 3, 4
How do you respond when you make a mistake? Many of us try to do whatever we can to remove the blame from ourselves. Often this means we push the blame onto someone else. Adam and Eve did this after they sinned. Adam blamed both God and Eve. “It was the woman’s fault, God . . . the woman you put here.” Eve, similarly, blamed the snake. “It was the snake’s fault.” When we sin, it’s a common temptation to pass the blame, but it’s only when we accept the blame that we move toward forgiveness and healing.
Reading for Today:
Matthew 2:1-12
Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 3
Genesis 5–8
Matthew 2:1-12
It’s doubtful that the Magi brought leftovers to Jesus—that they paid their bills first and gave what remained, or went through their closets and gave things they no longer wanted. No, they brought their best gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh. Because Jesus was worthy of the best, they gave him their best. I’m afraid, however, we don’t always follow their example. Sometimes, instead of giving Jesus our best, we give him what’s left after we’ve paid our bills, filled our homes with things we want, and done as we wished with most of our money. Jesus deserves more than leftovers.
Reading for Today:
Matthew 2:13-23
Acts 2:22-47
Psalm 4
Genesis 9–11
Psalm 4
Silence is almost nonexistent in today’s world. The first thing many of us grab in the morning is our phone. Urgent e-mails and social media notifications demand to be read. Our phones are also the last things we look at before falling asleep at night. Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, we have noise in our pockets, competing for our attention. Tonight, when you’re on your bed, set your device down to hear what the Lord might be trying to tell you. As Psalm 4:4 says, “When you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.”
Reading for Today:
Matthew 3:1-12
Acts 3
Psalm 5
Genesis 12–14
Acts 3
Do you ever feel like you have nothing to offer the Lord? The truth is, all of us have something to offer. Are you gifted in a certain area? God wants to use it for the kingdom. Do you have wealth? God wants to use it to bless others. When Peter saw the beggar who couldn’t walk, he could have thought to himself, “I don’t have any money to help this man” and left it at that. But he didn’t. Instead, he gave the man what he could. Don’t let what you don’t have prevent you from giving what you do have.
Reading for Today:
Matthew 3:13-17
Acts 4:1-22
Psalm 6
Genesis 15–17
Genesis 15–17
This world might say you’re not worth much unless you’re famous, popular, or beautiful. This world might tell you that unless you have X number of followers on social media, you’re a nobody. That’s not the message God wants you to hear. The world may scream at you, “Do something to be noticed!” God says, “I have already noticed you.” God sees you (Genesis 16:13). Just as he saw Hagar when she was alone in the desert, so he sees you. There’s no need to shout to be noticed. God already sees.
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