Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson:
1. What ethnic dish do you enjoy that others might not want to eat? How did you come to enjoy it? What ethnic dish would you never try? What makes the difference?
2. What are some businesses that are known all over the world? What barriers must be overcome for a product, business, or an idea to be accepted across cultures?
Read Luke 24:36-38.
1. The very disciples who would successfully bring the message of Jesus to people all over the known world are described here. What ideas and emotions present with them makes it surprising that they would be able to do that?
2. Look at the question Jesus asked in verse 38. Notice that the disciples’ answer to that question is not recorded. If they were to give honest answers to that question, what do you think some of those answers would be?
Read Luke 24:39-43.
3. In the well-known hymn, He Lives, the writer asserts that he knows Jesus has risen from the dead because he senses Jesus’ presence in his heart. Contrast that argument with the two demonstrations Jesus offered as proof in verses 39, 40 and 42, 43.
4. People through the centuries and around the world would not have the same evidence that the disciples had. Nevertheless, what evidence do we all have that is more objective than a subjective sensing of divine presence? See John 19:35, 36; 20:29-31; 21:24; 1 John 1:1-3.
Read Luke 24:44-48.
5. Note the two-stage argument Jesus gave to authenticate his resurrection. The first was personal observation (you have seen it), and the second was reliance on expert testimony (others have said it). Why do both stages play an important role?
6. At first, Jesus offered proof of his resurrection to alleviate his disciples’ fear and doubt (vv. 36-38). But once fully convinced, what obligation did the knowledge of Jesus’ resurrection impart to those same disciples?
7. Many have beliefs that comfort them personally, but fear that those beliefs may be unappetizing to or ineffective for people of different backgrounds. After reviewing Jesus’ approach in our lesson text, how can we move from having a feel-good faith to offering a world-changing message?
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