By Dan Lentz
1. If your life were a pie, what would its pieces look like? Draw your pie using paper and colored pencils. Give each slice an appropriate size and label according to the amount of time you spend: sleeping, eating, working, watching TV, doing chores, going to school, talking on the phone, and so on. When finished, show your drawing to your group.
Read Colossians 2:6-15.
2. Verse 7 provides some details about what it means to “continue to live your lives in [the Lord].” Refer to the following excerpts from this verse as you talk about what living for Christ looks like in everyday life:
• rooted and built up in him (the Lord)
• strengthened in the faith as you were taught
• overflowing with thankfulness
3. What are some examples of hollow and deceptive philosophy you see in the world today? (v. 8)
4. Take another look at the pie you drew. When you are involved in a specific slice of life (work, for example) how do you avoid hollow and deceptive philosophies and instead live your life in the Lord? Give an example to the rest of the group.
5. Use verses 9-15 as a worship exercise. Take turns identifying phrases in the verses that describe what the Lord has done or is doing in your life and share them with the group.
6. Ask God to help you incorporate these phrases into every slice of your life.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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