By Dan Lentz
1. Complete the following statement: “People might be surprised to find out that I really enjoy _____.”
Read Luke 24:36-53.
2. Upon seeing Jesus, the disciples’ fear turned to joy. What spiritual endeavors bring about a sense of fright in you initially, but generally result in joy?
3. Jesus had trained the disciples, commissioned them into the Lord’s service, and now was preparing to leave them (at least leave in bodily form). What evidence do you see that the disciples were prepared for what they were about to face?
4. When thinking about the ministries the Lord has entrusted to you, what helps you feel prepared and confident to do them? (Examples include: having the Holy Spirit inside me, having someone else train me to do the ministry first, receiving an inspirational message from a leader about the importance of the ministry, and doing it together with someone else.)
5. What is the most encouraging thing about this section of Scripture for you personally?
6. Close by going around the circle and praying for the person on your left. Focus on areas of ministry the Lord has entrusted to you. You can do this out loud, or you can write a prayer and give it to the person you are praying for.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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