Purple Grass and Green Ants

by Tammy Darling Creativity is a natural part of a child’s God-given intelligence—a part that only faintly echoes his own marvelous creativity as expressed in everything he makes and does. In creating, our children imitate God. To be a creator is part of what it means to be a human being. Too often we discourage […]


A Passion for Purity

Deborah J. Amend “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God,” Jesus told his followers, thousands of years before NC-17 movies, Internet pornography, rampant divorce, and scantily clad fashion models. Purity and modesty, once cherished traits, appear to have been thrown to the wayside in our current culture. The Christian’s challenge is […]


Taking the Shame Out of Sex

by Kara L. Johnson My first lessons in sexuality came from gestures and jokes made by kids on my elementary school bus. Once my mom tried to have “the talk” with me, and all I remember is sitting on the couch, gawking at a book with brightly colored medical illustrations and suddenly feeling an uncomfortable […]