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Freedom in Forgiveness

By Bev and Phil Haas We’re newlyweds, but the newness is beginning to wear off. My wife said some things that really hurt. I’m not sure how to get over my feelings of being wounded by the person I share life with. Any insights are welcome. In every marriage a spouse will eventually say or […]

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In The World—July 3, 2016

By Melissa Wuske Flag Facts for the Fourth The iconic American flag has a rich lore, full of myths and little-known facts: Our current flag was designed by a high school student; Robert G. Heft submitted it as a school project, and it was eventually chosen by President Eisenhower. Heft designed a 51-star option also, […]

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Avoiding Sin Damage—Living in the Sonlight

By David Faust Are you spending a lot of time in the sun this summer? You will want to have sunscreen. Too much exposure to solar rays can damage your skin and even lead to cancer. Humanity’s main problem, though, isn’t skin damage; it’s sin damage. Satan is a murderer and a liar (John 8:44). […]