Community Change Brings Life Change

By Laura McKillip Wood Born and raised in Zimbabwe, Denford Chizanga began his education in a rural area of the country but completed secondary school in Harare, the capital city. He apprenticed as an electrical engineer and was about to embark in his career when he felt a call from God to begin studying and […]

woman hands on bible.

The Lesson and Life for July 3, 2016

Devotional thoughts on Romans 2:17-29 By Thilini Cate For Christmas my husband and I bought our 6-year-old son a new video game console. We decided that we would get it for him on the condition that it would be merged with his other activities—swimming, Legos, reading books, etc. However we soon found that he became […]

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40 Days of Thankfulness

By Evelyn Eng My friend’s Facebook post caught my attention. She wanted to stop complaining and challenged her friends: “Who wants to join me?” “How long?” I asked. She only meant for the day, but I told her it takes 40 days to make a habit, and thus the challenge began for us both. “You’re […]