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The Translation of Grace

By Dr. Barry Thornton     During the first few weeks of my first preaching ministry in Ohio, I ventured out to the local Department of Motor Vehicles to get our Ohio plates for placement on our Chevy Chevette. (Remember those cars?) Having moved from Indiana, I discovered that Ohio issues two license plates, one […]


Where You Live — for January 13, 2013

By Dan Lentz   1. Some things in life give you energy; other things sap your energy. Ask group members to make a list of the things in their lives that require energy output and include an approximate percentage of energy each item consumes. (For instance: 50 percent of my energy output goes into parenting, […]


A resolution that leads to gladness

By Shawn McMullen   OK. What is it this year? Lose weight? Reduce stress? Read your Bible? Pray more? By this time, those of us who make New Year’s resolutions have already committed. (And some already may have lost the battle!) But before we get too far into 2013, I’d like to make a suggestion. […]