By Laura L. Wood “Do not murder.” On the list of commandments, this sounds like an easy one. I can check that off right now. As with any Old Testament command, however, the sixth commandment must be understood in the light of Jesus’ teachings. Jesus takes the ancient mandate a step further than simply […]
When Honoring Your Parents Doesn’t Come Easily
By Amy Simon Deuteronomy 5:16 and Ephesians 6:2 say to “Honor your father and mother.” God is pretty clear, both in the Old Testament and the New, that we are supposed to honor our parents. If my parents are godly, supportive, adore my children, and embrace my spouse with love and admiration, then honoring […]
The Day of Our Worship
By Robert C. Shannon A preacher once prepared a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments. He gave one the title, “The Commandment You Cannot Keep.” That created a lot of interest. People were hoping it was the one they were having trouble with. That Sunday he preached on “Remember the Sabbath Day to […]
Where You Live — for July 29
By Dan Lentz 1. What frightened you when you were 8 years old? What frightened you when you were 16 years old? What frightens you today? Read 2 Chronicles 19:4-11. 2. In these verses, we frequently read the phrase, “the fear of the Lord.” What do you think the difference is between […]
Jehoshaphat makes judicial reform–The Uniform Lesson for July 29
By Sam E. Stone King Jehoshaphat was one of the more godly kings in the time of the divided kingdom. He ruled Judah around 873-848 BC, succeeding his father, Asa, on the throne (2 Chronicles 17:1). The writer declares, “The Lord was with Jehoshaphat because in his early years he walked in the ways his […]