
Climbing higher– Psalm 121

By David Faust   Psalms 120 through 134 are known as “Songs of Ascent.” Jewish tradition connected these 15 chapters with the 15 steps of the temple where worshippers stood and sang; but there’s another reason they’re called “Songs of Ascent.” The Israelites sang these psalms as they ascended the hills toward Jerusalem to attend […]


The Lesson and Life — July 1, 2012

By Marvin Garrison   Boxes are an intricate part of life. There are gift boxes, pillboxes, storage boxes, toy boxes, and toolboxes. In baseball there is the batter’s box, the coach’s box, and box seats. In basketball it’s the “box and one” defense. Hockey has its penalty box. For the golfer it’s the tee box. […]

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In the World — June 24, 2012

By Christy Barritt   Judge Says It’s Legal to Pray for Other People’s Harm A Dallas judge ruled it was okay to pray for another person to be harmed. The judge cited that such prayers are not illegal, as long as they do not directly cause damage to someone. The case was brought about in […]

What can we say about sin?

By Shawn McMullen   The God that holds you over the pit of Hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the […]

The lion, the witch, and the physicist

By Dr. Charlie W. Starr   I am a C. S. Lewis fanatic. I’ve read all his works, been to his home in England, and even written a book about one of his stories. For an expert, it can be humbling when an amateur points out something you’ve missed. The book was The Lion, the […]