11 09

Christian Millennials in Three Words

By Blake Oliver Millennials aren’t deaf to what society says about us. Generations of hardworking Americans call us lazy. Those we want to be close to don’t understand why we’re so connected to our phones. It’s hard to find a niche in the world, but for Christians it’s different right? After all, we have the […]

11 05

Looking for a Coach

By Eddie Schmidt Every week after our church service, I talk to parents about all sorts of things such as upcoming events, local happenings, and their particular student. Occasionally a parent will get on a rant about how incredibly different their child’s upbringing is from their own childhood, and they usually end the conversation shaking […]

Diverse Group of Friends

Impacting History & Culture

By Jacqueline J. Holness As March is National Women’s History Month, I’m devoting this column to outstanding Christian women who have impacted history and culture. For those unfamiliar, National Women’s History Month, began when President Jimmy Carter named the week of March 2-8, 1980 as National Women’s History Week, following a grassroots campaign to recognize […]

11 03

A Message for My Would-Be Grandparents

By Rebecca Landry Last summer I spent five weeks in Spain. Within a couple weeks of returning to U.S. soil, I was at my grandfather’s funeral. My whole family stood in a single file receiving line, filling half of the aisle of the beautiful church and saying “hello” and “thank you” to everyone who came […]