By Mark Scott God’s primary identity must become our primary activity. That identity and activity in a word is love. A loving God was all but unheard of in ancient Greece. The false gods they believed in were often more immoral than humans and had to be appeased—not embraced due to their love. But in […]
Evaluation Questions for March 5, 2017
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: 1 John 4:7-19 1. What makes you feel loved? What makes you feel unloved? 2. In your own words, tell what “God is love” means. 3. When have you personally experienced God’s love, either by […]
Bury Us with Dignity
By Carolina Hinojosa-Cisneros When driving into small towns like Smiley, Texas, the “Mexican American Only” cemeteries exist along crooked, unpaved roads overgrown with weeds and dirt so thick it clogs your throat. Families, like my husband’s family, drive out in a caravan to clean up the plots where loved ones rest because the town doesn’t […]
Conversations with Skeptics
By David Timms A cynic or skeptic lurks deep within many of us. Cynics, on the one hand, tend to harbor deep and dark suspicions about people and causes. They assume that beneath the surface lies an intention to deceive, and they can be critical and snarky about it. We see it constantly in politics, […]
Elder Orphan Care
By Laura McKillip Wood A Romanian pastor and his wife were watching the news in 2006 when they heard about some elderly homeless people who had frozen to death in the harsh winter weather. Instead of ignoring the problem, the couple took action. They got into their car and found two homeless elderly people to […]