
Evaluation Questions for February 26, 2017

By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Galatians 5:18–6:10 1. Do you agree or disagree that kindness seems to be in short supply in today’s world? Explain your answer. 2. When have you been on the receiving end of someone else’s kindness? […]


An Outlawed Gospel

By Laura Adkins True evangelism has a cost. For some believers, that cost is time, money, or reputation, while for the early believers, the cost was often their lives or their livelihoods. Christians around the globe make a variety of sacrifices so that they are able to develop relationships and share the freedom, hope, and […]

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It’s What You’re Already Doing

By Kelly Carr Have you ever heard a sermon or conversation at church that involves the words witnessing or the even more stately evangelism? Those sound intimidating to many people (including me!). We might have visions of street-corner preachers shouting or holding signs. We may have visions of knocking on doors and giving tracts to […]


Supporting Airline Personnel

By Jamie Shafer Imagine someone who travels the world and encounters a mission field of opportunities each day. Initially you might envision a missionary connecting with others in a foreign land, but that individual could just as easily be a pilot or flight attendant who is connected with the Fellowship of Christian Airline Personnel (FCAP). […]