
Week 21 Study | Rejoicing in Restoration

David Brymer sings, “You bring restoration; you bring restoration; you bring restoration to my soul. You’ve taken my pain; called me by a new name. You’ve taken my shame and in its place, you give me joy.” This is the story of redemption personalized in song. Giving praise to God is one of finest ways […]

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Week 21 Application | Has-Beens

Do you ever feel like a cultural dinosaur? Do you sometimes feel obsolete, out-of-date, and passé? Do you no longer feel fashionable, useful, or valuable—like you have passed the peak of your effectiveness or popularity?  As time passes, most of us wrestle with feeling like a has-been. The sharp-looking guy who was a heartthrob in […]


Week 21 Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Think of something at your residence that needs repair (an appliance, a piece of furniture, a car, etc.). What would need to be done to restore it, that is, to make it good as new? What skills would be necessary to do this? […]


Week 21 Character | Taste and See

“Taste.” I extended a fork toward my husband. He shook his head. “No thanks.” I couldn’t blame him. The last time I experimented with a new recipe, the result was disastrous. Some people enjoy trying new foods. Each taste is an experience to savor, even if the dish isn’t completely successful. Others are more reluctant […]