
Week 52 |
Daily Reading

MONDAY Reading for Today: John 20:10-18 Revelation 18 Job 39 Haggai 1–2 Haggai 1–2 How much money do you invest in kingdom things? On the flip side, how much money do you invest in things that only hold value in this life? Unfortunately, many of us spend far too little time and money on eternal […]


Week 51 Study |
Whole Prophecy

One evidence that the Bible is divine is the record of fulfilled predictive prophecies. The Bible was written over a period of 1,500 years by at least 40 different human writers. The evidence of fulfilled prophecy is extremely faith building. For instance, reading Psalm 22 (written 1,000 years before Christ) and Isaiah 52:13—53:12 (written 700 […]


Week 51 | Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. What is the meaning of the expression, “a perfect storm”? Tell about a time in your life when many seemingly random circumstances came together all at once to create an earth-shaking event.  2. Complete this statement: “I remember where I was when [a […]