
Week 50
Daily Reading

MONDAY Reading for Today: John 16:25-33 Revelation 6 Job 31:24-40 Amos 3–4 John 16:25-33 Loneliness is a liar. It can cause our thoughts to veer into dangerous territory. It tells us God is no longer with us. It tells us we have no one to lean upon. It whispers that just as our friends have […]


Week 49 Study |
Whole Truth

The basis for discerning the whole truth of a matter is assessing “testimony.” Geologists look at the testimony of rocks. Paleontologists look at the testimony of bones. Astronomers look at the testimony of stars. Mathematicians look at the testimony of numbers. Inspired Bible writers looked at the testimony of God’s mighty acts in history.  In […]


Week 49
Study Questions

Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Before social media memes and before email forwards, there were supermarket tabloids spreading stories that seemed unbelievable. How do you test stories in these media to know whether to believe them? 2. Can you think of a story that seemed unbelievable at first, […]


Week 49
Mission |
Christ In All of Scripture

Many are familiar with the series of Where’s Waldo? books that have fascinated children since the first publication appeared in 1987. The books are made up of a series of double-page spread illustrations picturing a huge crowd of people engaged in various activities at a specific location. The reader is challenged to find Waldo somewhere […]