By David Faust I smiled at the irony when I read a sign in a hardware store that said, “We specialize in helping Do It Yourselfers.” Even if you do things yourself, you probably need some help. Spiritual Free-for-All In one of the stormiest sections of the Bible, the book of Judges chronicles the tumultuous […]
Gideon’s 300—Judges 7 and 8
By David Faust Numbers are an important measure of success, but they are not the only measure. It’s thrilling to worship with a big crowd and see large numbers of people turn to Christ, but God also works powerfully through small groups, small churches, and one-on-one relationships. What we count isn’t all that counts. During […]
Safe Places—Joshua 20:1-9
By David Faust Refuge is a warm, welcoming word. A young child finds refuge in her mother’s arms. A traveler finds refuge during a storm. Millions have found refuge in the U.S., responding to the Statue of Liberty’s inscription, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Joshua 20 tells […]
When the Manna Stops—Joshua 5:11, 12
By David Faust God led his people on an extended camping trip through the wilderness for 40 years. Water was scarce. Food was available but predictable. Tempers were edgy. Morning after morning, God provided a unique nutritional supplement: thin white flakes that looked like frost on the ground. When baked or boiled, the flakes tasted like […]
Dying Well—Deuteronomy 34
By David Faust My friend Don died well. He didn’t die easily. I’m not sure anyone does. But Don died well. A couple of weeks before he died at age 82, we sat together in his room at the assisted living center and talked about what he wanted me to say at his funeral. He […]