Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Comedian Groucho Marx is famous for saying, “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” What did he mean by that? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. 2. What is the difference between being exclusive and being inclusive? […]
Week 43 Study | Paul’s (Saul’s) Ministry Begins
Acts 9 is a bridge chapter. The gospel had spread to the Samaritans, and, through the Eunuch, to Ethiopia as well (Acts 8). But for the gospel to spread to the Gentile world (Acts 10) leadership would be key. Acts 9 is about the two leaders of the early church, Peter and Paul. Peter was […]
Week 43 Application | Maintenance Required
My cell phone is a treasure chest of untapped potential. The device contains several features I don’t understand and apps I’ll never use. Speaking of untapped potential, the speedometer in my car indicates my little sedan is capable of going 140 miles per hour, but I’ve seldom driven it more than half its maximum speed. […]
Week 43 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. For what types of jobs are you especially qualified? What would you say to a prospective employer who asked, “Why should we hire you?” 2. What qualifies someone to be a minister of the gospel? Imagine you were on a pulpit committee for […]
Week 42 Study | The Gospel Begins Spreading in Samaria
Jesus geographically outlined the Book of Acts (Acts 1:8). He predicted the growth of the church would take place in Jerusalem (vv. 1-7), all Judea and Samaria (vv. 8-12), and to the ends of the earth (vv. 13-28). Acts 8 is the “near-far” chapter in the New Testament. The Samaritans were geographically near the new […]