Have you seen the credit card commercials that ask, “What’s in your wallet?” Here’s another question: “What’s in your garage?” I keep my garage uncluttered enough that a car can fit inside during the winter, but otherwise my wife Candy concedes the space to me for storing household tools, yard equipment, and a few keepsakes. […]
Week 32 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Which of these statements do you hear most often: “I am rich” or “He (or she) is rich”? What are some reasons we might think someone else is rich but not see ourselves as rich? 2. Name some of the most generous people […]
Week 31 Study | God’s Justice
We rarely do justice well. God always does justice well. Romans is about the justice of God—real righteousness. As Paul built a bridge between Jews and Gentiles in the church at Rome he explained what God’s justice looks like. Following the opening greeting and his typical thanksgiving, Paul stated the thesis (Romans 1:16, 17). The […]
Week 31 Application | Don’t Play Favorites
We all have likes and dislikes. Remember Julie Andrews’ song, “My Favorite Things”? The toolbar on my laptop keyboard contains a button called “Favorites.” I have a favorite baseball team (the Cincinnati Reds) and a favorite pair of sneakers (my well-worn Reeboks). I don’t care for eggs, but I like eggnog. You can start a […]
Week 31 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. The words justice and judgment are similar but can convey differing meanings. How would you contrast a just person with a judgmental person? 2. Have you ever told a child, “Do as I say, not as I do”? What’s wrong with this type […]