Reaping is the language of harvest in the Bible, and therefore sometimes reaping is a metaphor for judgment (Hosea 8:7; Revelation 14:15, 16). The law of harvest is universally true. You reap what you sow (Galatians 6:7). But it is uniquely true when it comes to the use of our money for others. Generosity begets […]
Week 25 Application | Before It’s Too Late
Today your heart is beating steadily, but one day it will beat no more. Today your lungs invigorate your body with oxygen, but someday you will take your last breath. Each morning brings opportunities to do good or evil, to love our neighbors or shun them, to worship God or ignore him. Physical life is […]
Week 25 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. If you were a judge, what creative sentences would you give out to people convicted of the following crimes: spraying graffiti on public property, stealing a library book, bullying someone on social media? Why do you think your sentence is appropriate? 2. Most […]
Week 24 Study | Jesus Teaches About Justice
Biblical justice is not just about what a culture thinks is legal or illegal. Biblical justice (conforming to God’s standard) encompasses good and bad, appropriate and inappropriate, action and attitude, and external and internal—as defined by the Lord. In our text today, Jesus defended his disciples and taught what truly commends us to God and […]
Week 24 Application | Why Do We Do It?
Most of us use the expression “OK” several times a day. Little children say it. So do mature adults. We use OK as an adjective, a noun, and a verb. We communicate it through body language by making a circle with the index finger and thumb. OK may be the most frequently spoken expression in […]