This lesson could be brought to you by the letter “P.” The text is a “prayer.” Solomon prayed it on a “platform.” He assumed a certain “posture.” He prayed it at a certain “place” (temple). He acknowledged God’s “promise.” He admitted that it would be “preposterous” to think that God could be contained in a […]
Week 10 Application | He Looks at Everything
The Lord gives different gifts to different people, but he bypassed me in the art department. Give me a paintbrush and I can paint a wall, but not a portrait. I can draw stick figures, but not recognizable faces. No one ever has mistaken me for an art history expert, but I know what moves […]
Week 10 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Written near the end of the 19th century, the song “Oh Promise Me” has been a popular wedding song for generations. Recall (or look up on the Internet) the words to this song. What promises are requested that would make the song suitable […]
Week 09 Study | The Lord Will Provide
First there was Knowing God by J. I. Packer (1993). Then there was Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby and Claude King (1990). In this series of lessons we will emphasize Acknowledging God. To acknowledge means “to recognize authority or status; to take notice; or to express gratitude.” In acknowledging God we express gratitude for his […]
Week 09 Application | Are You Satisfied?
Recently I heard writer-humorist Dick Wolfsie give a light-hearted talk about Jewish humor. His ethnic background, he explained, helped him find wry humor in serious situations. Wolfsie told about a Jewish grandmother who was walking on the beach with her grandson when a giant wave swept the boy into the sea. Terrified, the woman cried […]