Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. List some occult practices people might use to try to get a glimpse of the future (examples include horoscopes, psychics, and palmistry). When people pay for such readings, they are usually told positive things, or at least things within their control. Why do […]
Week 03 Study | A Prayer for an Obedient Faith
Daniel 9 contains one of the most stunning prayers in all of the Bible. It is filled with praise for God’s character and with contrition for God’s people. Daniel was moved by the righteousness of God and emotionally owned the shame of Israel’s sins. What brought about such a moving prayer? Perhaps a change in […]
Week 03 Application | We’re Sorry
If confession is good for the soul, why is it so hard to pray, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner”? Pride is a speed bump on the path to God’s throne of grace. When I confess my sins, it’s like taking out the garbage can and leaving it at the curb so the sanitation […]
Week 03 Study Questions
Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1. Think back on a life-changing moment (examples include choosing a career, a marriage, or the a birth of a child). How prepared were you for that event? If you could live that time over again, what steps would you take to have become […]
Week 02 Study | A Bold Faith
The prophet Daniel took center stage in last week’s lesson. In this week’s lesson his three friends are at the center of the controversy. We move from food to fire. Another person who actually occupies a large portion of the first chapters of the book of Daniel is Nebuchadnezzar. It seems odd that he would […]