In this Advent month, our lesson today celebrates the coming of the gospel to the nations. The tidings of great joy would come to the island of Cyprus. A proconsul would receive the Christ of Christmas and a sorcerer would cry, “Bah, humbug!” In both cases great discernment would be necessary to understand the victory […]
Week 50 Application | The Ring of Truth
Why do we say that something “rings true”? The expression comes from the way manufacturers would test the quality of metal or glass by striking it and evaluating the sound it makes. Bells can clang with dissonant noise, but it’s better when they chime with pleasant tones. Based on intuition and experience we say things […]
Week 49 Study Questions
These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Acts 3:11-21 Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson: 1.What TV reality shows do you watch? In your opinion, how “real” are reality shows? 2. In the well-known story, Pinocchio wanted to be a […]
Week 49 Study | Faith in Jesus
Jesus said to his disciples, “Have faith in God” (Mark 11:22). The disciples said to Jesus, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). Few things in the Bible are as important as faith in Jesus. Our lessons for this quarter focus on faith—the faith proclaimed by the early church, the example of faith evident in the life […]
Week 49 Application | The Godsend
Do you ever refer to someone as a godsend? The term describes a blessing that comes at an opportune moment. The dictionary defines a godsend as “something good that happens unexpectedly and at a time when it is especially needed.” What does a godsend look like? A nurse provides exceptional care during a hospital stay. […]