By Mark Scott God’s primary identity must become our primary activity. That identity and activity in a word is love. A loving God was all but unheard of in ancient Greece. The false gods they believed in were often more immoral than humans and had to be appeased—not embraced due to their love. But in […]
Evaluation Questions for March 5, 2017
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: 1 John 4:7-19 1. What makes you feel loved? What makes you feel unloved? 2. In your own words, tell what “God is love” means. 3. When have you personally experienced God’s love, either by […]
A Little Kindness Goes a Long Way—Life Application for February 26, 2017
By David Faust The lyrics of a song popularized by Glen Campbell, “Try a Little Kindness,” have been replaying in my mind lately because I believe we face a kindness gap in America today. Even common courtesy seems in rare supply. We Imitate God When I was a boy, an old man named Roy used […]
Evaluation Questions for February 26, 2017
By David Faust These questions coordinate with Engage Your Faith and This Week with the Word. Sunday School Lesson Text: Galatians 5:18–6:10 1. Do you agree or disagree that kindness seems to be in short supply in today’s world? Explain your answer. 2. When have you been on the receiving end of someone else’s kindness? […]
Christ Creates Holy Living—The Uniform Lesson for February 26, 2017
By Mark Scott Jesus taught that good trees bear good fruit and bad trees bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:18). Christian freedom allows believers to bear fruit like healthy bushes and trees. Christians are to live in moral excellence. But this is not so we can look at others with moral smugness, but rather so we […]