I have been blessed to serve 40 years in ministry, but I almost never got started. I was a shy church kid who was terrified to walk onto a stage with my Sunday school classmates and speak my name into a microphone. (No kidding; just my name!) My terror at speaking in front of people […]
Guest Editorial |
Guest Editorial |
How Do You Determine Right from Wrong?
Several Christian parents I have spoken with recently have expressed concern about the eroding moral values of their millennial children. Children who were raised in the church a decade ago are now ambivalent about right and wrong. What was considered abhorrent a generation ago is now widely accepted. What was considered proper years ago they […]
Guest Editorial |
Blessed are the Blessed
The Beatitudes of Jesus are some of the most memorable statements in all of the Gospels. Each one begins with a simple formula: “blessed are those who.” Then they tell you what you must do if you want to be blessed. It obviously sounds good and inviting. But what exactly does it mean to be […]
Guest Editorial |
He Is the Great I Am
Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God has been around for 40 years and it still impacts my life. While reading it, I was challenged to write a prayer using the list of names, titles, and descriptions of God it contained. Each time I pray that prayer, I am moved anew by the greatness of our God. Truly […]
Making God Smile
Ephesians 5:10 is one of those Bible verses that is not even a complete sentence: “and find out what pleases the Lord.” That’s the entire verse, but what a powerful challenge and noble calling! Similar language in other translations (New American Standard Bible, English Standard Version) implies that it is to be an ongoing search […]