By Rebecca Waters When her 8-year-old son was the victim of a neighborhood bully, Linda wanted to tell her son to “beat the kid up the next time.” But as a new believer in Christ, Linda knew there had to be a better way. When faced with a crisis, many parents tend to rely […]
Building From Scratch
By Amy Simon My husband builds model ships as a hobby. Usually he starts with a kit that contains all the necessary pieces; he just has to put them all together. Recently he tried to build a model from scratch, with no kit to work from. There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. […]
Coping With Crisis
By Danny R. Von Kanel John’s world collapsed. He lost his job with the downturn in the economy. With no money coming in, John defaulted on his mortgage. To make matters worse, his wife left him. John considered taking his life. While such an extreme time of crisis is foreign to most of us, […]
Helping the Hurting
By Peggy Park There’s no quick fix for depression. My single sister, June, lived with my husband and me for four months during a life-threatening depression brought on by vocational and personal circumstances. During that time we discovered several ways to provide hope and help to my hurting sister—and to others who struggle with […]
Finding a Way Out
By Christine E. Miller Part of the glory of living is that each moment is dynamic. No feeling or circumstance lasts, whether good or bad. All we have is the present. Unfortunately, we sometimes lose sight of this, and for a vast array of reasons: the death of a loved one, a divorce, a […]