Deborah J. Amend “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God,” Jesus told his followers, thousands of years before NC-17 movies, Internet pornography, rampant divorce, and scantily clad fashion models. Purity and modesty, once cherished traits, appear to have been thrown to the wayside in our current culture. The Christian’s challenge is […]
Bringing Grace to the Porn Industry: An interview with Craig Gross of
In January 2002 Craig Gross did something that had never before been attempted to impact the pornography industry. While some Christians protested outside the AVN Porn Convention in Las Vegas, he set up a booth inside to minister to those involved in the industry. Thus began the ministry known as The Lookout recently interviewed […]
Taking the Shame Out of Sex
by Kara L. Johnson My first lessons in sexuality came from gestures and jokes made by kids on my elementary school bus. Once my mom tried to have “the talk” with me, and all I remember is sitting on the couch, gawking at a book with brightly colored medical illustrations and suddenly feeling an uncomfortable […]
Pink Rescue
by Terrell Clemmons In recent years, visitors to the semi-annual AdultCon pornography extravaganza have encountered a new and unlikely exhibit. A poster prominently displayed in front of the booth lists disturbing statistics about the porn industry while another toward the back simply reads, “Porn Is Not Glamorous.” The men and women manning the booth wear […]
A Slow Death
by Kathleen A. Barr God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for […]