
Week 31 Mission | Won by One

Everyday Zach stopped by the same coffee shop for a break and a double latte. It wasn’t long before the baristas knew him by name, and even the other customers became familiar. One day as he was going over his reports, he noticed the guy at the next table reading Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. As […]


Week 30 Mission | Full Circle

Disciple-making starts with prayer! I sat in front of the funeral chapel three minutes before addressing a packed house. Every seat was filled and people were standing around the room. It was a funeral for a 23-year-old mother of two small children. I had been asked by her grandparents to conduct the funeral and knew […]


Week 28 Mission | Persevering Prayer

In a small community in Germany in 1727, a band of Moravian Christians began a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week prayer vigil that lasted for 100 years. During those years, Moravian men, women, and children prayed without interruption. They claimed as their motto the words from Isaiah 62:6, 7 which references God’s placing of watchmen on the wall. […]


Week 27 Mission | Transparent Discipleship

Avoidance of truth is the number one obstacle to discipling friendships. Scripture is clear, we need authentic, burden-bearing, truth-telling, iron-sharpening-iron friends. We all say we want them. We say we want accountability, someone we can be real with and who will keep it real with us. But when it comes down to it, the truth […]