Hard but necessary actions–Proverbs 20-22

By David Faust   Author John Maxwell advises leaders to focus 70 percent of their time and energy on developing their strengths, 25 percent on doing new things, and 5 percent on areas of weakness.  Successful leaders do hard things that others avoid. They take necessary actions for the overall good, even when those actions […]

Take your medicine–Proverbs 17

By David Faust High health care costs are nothing new. Jesus encountered a woman who “had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse” (Mark 5:26). My son-in-law is a caring, hard-working MD, but he knows what every doctor knows: […]

Developing a generous heart– Proverbs 11

By David Faust   The economy dominates cable news and kitchen conversations these days. High gasoline prices and unemployment rates cause pain on Main Street, stir consternation on Wall Street, and spark worries in the White House. On a personal level, however, tough times provide an opportunity to exercise one of the most practical evidences […]

Avoiding a sexual car wreck–Proverbs 5—7

By David Faust   Sexual sin is like a car wreck. It disrupts plans, harms those involved, and causes detours and delays. Like a car wreck, sexual sin is costly to repair, hard to forget, and sometimes deadly.  Proverbs chapters 5, 6, and 7 urge purity and self-control, while offering practical wisdom to guide us […]