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Week 01 Study | A Sincere Faith

I keep looking for a little dirt on Daniel, but I find nothing. At some point nearly every person in the Bible is shown to have feet of clay, but Daniel was squeaky clean. God said to the prophet Ezekiel that even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were to strive to deliver Israel, they would […]

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Week 53 Study | Faith to Unite

Historians would have to critique this, but perhaps the world is more polarized than ever. On the eve of a new year can we say that the world is united in anything but sin? Sadly, the church is not much better. The answer to the divisive tensions in the world, and to the fractured fellowship […]

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Week 51 Study | Faith to Persevere

Even by today’s standards their first missionary journey was incredibly successful. Paul and Barnabas traveled roughly 1,200 miles in two years and planted six new churches. Considering the rough terrain in Southern Galatia alone makes the trip nothing less than stunning. But it was not just geography that made the first journey challenging. It required […]

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Week 50 Study | Faith in Jesus

In this Advent month, our lesson today celebrates the coming of the gospel to the nations. The tidings of great joy would come to the island of Cyprus. A proconsul would receive the Christ of Christmas and a sorcerer would cry, “Bah, humbug!” In both cases great discernment would be necessary to understand the victory […]