By Shawn McMullen Like many Christians, I’m alarmed by the rapid spiritual decline of our nation. The biblical foundation that provided a moral compass for generations of Americans has been systematically eroded by unbelief. Lifestyles and life choices once widely unacceptable are now openly embraced. What’s more, it requires increasingly more courage for Christians […]
Why They Do What They Do
By Shawn McMullen Why do missionaries do what they do? Why do they travel thousands of miles to foreign lands to live uninvited among those who don’t know Christ? Why do they risk their lives and spend years in difficult and resistant environments in hopes that one day a group of people who […]
By Shawn McMullen Albert Barnes suggested the psalm was written “when [David] was entering on domestic life, as the psalm consists of ‘rules’ which he appears to have laid down for himself as the head of a family.” Charles Spurgeon referred to it as the “House-holder’s Psalm” and remarked that if every husband and […]
Where Else Can We Go?
By Shawn McMullen In John 6 Jesus fed a crowd of 5,000 men (plus women and children) with “five small barley loaves and two small fish.” The crowd responded to the miracle by proclaiming Christ to be the promised Messiah (the prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15) and attempting to force him to become their king. […]
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By Shawn McMullen We’re looking for ways to make The Lookout more useful to our readers. Will you help us by completing and returning this survey? You can take the survey online here. Thank you.