by Dan lentz
1. What was the wisest piece of advice you ever received from . . .
. . . a parent?
. . . a mentor?
. . . a friend?
Why was this piece of advice helpful?
Read Proverbs 3:1-12.
2. Ask group members to pick out one piece of wisdom contained in these verses and explain why it stands out to them.
3. What does it mean to “not be wise in your own eyes” (v. 7)?
4. What discipline have you received from the Lord that has helped you grow in your obedience to him?
5. Solomon, author of many of the Proverbs, prayed to the Lord for wisdom. During your group prayer time, give the members of your group pieces of paper and ask them to write a prayer to the Lord, specifically seeking the Lord’s wisdom for an area of life where they struggle or for a situation where action or decisions are needed. Finish your prayer letter to the Lord by talking about what’s written on the tablet of your heart. (Read again v. 3.)
6. Close by having a few group members volunteer to pray their written prayers aloud.
T. Daniel Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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