By Dan Lentz
1. Give each group member a piece of paper and something to write with. Without placing a name on the paper, instruct each group member to answer each of the following questions:
• Who was your favorite action hero or cartoon character as a kid?
• What’s your favorite recent movie?
• Would you rather watch the news, sports, or a comedy on television?
Collect the responses and give them to a designated reader who will read each one aloud. See if the group can guess the author of each paper.
2. “Do not be afraid” is a common phrase in the Bible. In what ways did the Israelites have legitimate reasons to be afraid?
3. What were the Israelites instructed to do instead of being afraid?
4. In times of fear, how do you “be still and let the Lord fight for you?” Give examples.
5. In what current situation do you need the Lord to “part the Red Sea” and “stop the Egyptians” that oppose you?
6. Close by praying specifically for the situations mentioned in the previous question. Pray that you can be still and let the Lord fight for you.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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