By Michael C. Mack
1. When have you been fooled by something (or someone) that was counterfeit, fake, or artificial?
Read Acts 8:9-24.
2. Who would you compare Simon to and why?
Harry Potter (wizard)
Harry Houdini (magician)
Larry Page (Google’s CEO)
Benny Hinn (preacher/healer)
3. What was the issue regarding these new Samaritan believers having not yet received the Holy Spirit?
4. Simon offered to pay for the ability to lay hands on people so they would receive the Holy Spirit—what does that tell you about the manifestations of receiving the Spirit? about Simon and his heart?
5. What does Simon’s response to Peter in verse 24 indicate about Simon’s motives?
6. To what degree should a person’s heart (in relation to knowledge, skills, and experience) be considered when someone wants to be involved in ministry?
7. Take a moment to reflect on your life and ministry. Is your heart right before God? Is your attitude toward ministry right? (Is it about you or serving God and others?) Is there anything you need to repent of?
Michael Mack leads church training events and consults with churches through his ministry, Small Group Leadership (
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