by Dan Lentz
1. Draw lines on a sheet of paper that approximate a bingo card—five boxes wide by five boxes high. Write one phrase in each of the 25 boxes. Here are some examples to get you started: birthday in January, plays a musical instrument, likes pizza with pineapple, born in another state, looks forward to retirement.
Once all the phrases are written in the boxes on your master sheet, make a copy of the card for each person in the group. When someone says “Go,” have group members mill around and ask others to initial a box that is true of them. Keep going until someone has five initials in a row—Bingo! (It’s fun and you will learn about one another.)
Read Isaiah 48:12-22.
2. It is important to “listen” and “pay attention.” Are you a good listener? What things have you tried that have made you a better listener?
3. What is one thing you wish you would have listened to the Lord about in the past? Why?
4. What types of past experiences tear us down? What types build us up? Give some examples of each from when you were younger.
5. Many people struggle with their past. How could today’s verses encourage someone who had a troubled past?
6. Use prayer time to ask for healing from our troubled past and for an increased attention span so we can listen closely to the Lord.
T. Daniel Lentz works for Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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