Use one or both of these questions to introduce the lesson.
1. How dangerous is “fake news” to governments, corporations, and individuals in our world today and how can it color critical choices and decisions?
2. Have you ever doubted your faith in Jesus Christ?
Read Jude 3-7
1. The short book of Jude is packed with warnings about apostasy, the act of embracing false beliefs and turning away from God’s teachings. What are the means and way apostasy enters the church? Explain in simple terms what it means to “pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality.”
2. Cite other warnings in the New Testament about false teachers and false teaching (feel free to do a quick concordance or online Bible search). According to verse 4, why should we not be surprised when false teachers appear?
3. Why did Jude use the Israelites who refused to enter the promised land, fallen angels, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of those who are condemned to suffer for eternity? Look for categories or patterns in each of the three to identify similarities to and differences from one another.
Read Jude 17-25
4. Describe four characteristics of “scoffers” (false teachers). What are practical ways to build up our faith and counterbalance the influence of false teaching on a believer’s life?
5. It’s not often we get perspectives from two half-brothers of Jesus in one Bible study! James and Jude have unique perspectives when it comes to not believing the truth of Christ since neither of them were believers during Jesus’ lifetime. Read James 4:1-10. What does the apostle say is the source of any division in the church? Talk about what we are to do if we are the ones who are double-minded and doubting.
6. Jude lists three godly ways to interact with doubters and mockers. What other ways might we add to this list? Consider why three forms of the word mercy (compassion) show up in verses 21-23.
7. Do you have people who love you enough to hold you accountable to right doctrine and biblical teaching? Three times Jude used agapetoi, or “dear friends,” in his short letter. Discuss what roles godly, Christian friends play in helping us persevere, standing up against false teaching, and building up our “most holy faith” in Jesus.
Conclude your group time with prayer, using the following doxology from Jude as a guide:
“To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy—to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!”
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