By Dan Lentz
1. Appoint someone to write on a white board or large piece of paper. Then ask the group to shout out current news headlines until you have a dozen or so headlines on a list everyone can see. Go around the group and ask each person, “Which headline stirs up a passion or even anger in you? Why?”
Read John 2:13-22.
2. First Corinthians 3:16 tells us that we are God’s temple. What types of things does Jesus see today in your temple?
3. How do we keep our lives from being focused on the marketplace so that we can focus on worship?
4. What increased passion do you need to drive something out of your “temple” these days?
5. Pray for the courage and passion to make things right in your life.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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