By Dan Lentz
1. Talk about a recent act of voluntary service that made you feel good. Did you expect to have a positive feeling after you served? Why, or why not?
Read 1 Peter 4:1-11.
2. Compare the attitude and motivation of a pagan with that of a Christ-follower according to these verses.
3. What does this statement mean to you: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins”? Give some examples of how to apply this principle to everyday life.
4. What gift has the Lord given you that enables you to serve others with joy?
5. Plan a service project as a group. Talk about a need your group can meet together. Some examples are: offer to do some spring house cleaning for a single mom or senior citizen, help someone pull weeds and plant a garden, do some painting and repair work for someone who needs it, or provide free oil changes for folks in your community. Once you have your plan, pray for the Lord to be clearly seen by those you are serving.
Dan Lentz works for the Small Group Network in Whitestown, Indiana.
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